To export the form data to excel as needed, you can use the Download Registrations tool. You can run a standard download or create a custom download where you pick and choose what you want to export and how you want the data to export.
To export the form date, go to EZSignUp > Published Forms
Select the Form Menu
Select Download Registrations
For the Standard download, select Generate New File
Select what data you want to export:
1. All Registration data (which will include ALL registrations placed at the time of the download)
2. Only Registration data since last downloaded record (which will only include the registrations placed since the last time you ran the report)
3. Limit Registration data to specific dates (which will only include the registrations placed within the timeframe you enter)
Then, select Download the Data
While the download is processing, there will be a File Generation Pending memo
Once the download is complete, you’ll be able to select Download File
To create a Custom download, select Create New Custom Download Format
1. Enter the Download Name
2. Select which questions you want to include in your export
3. Enter how you want the columns to export – Ex: Address1_Contact Address could export as Address1
4. Select Next
Step 2 – Data Order
1. Reorder the columns
2. The order you want the data to export
- For example, if you want the system to export the data A-Z based on last name, you’d select Last Name
3. Select Next
If you want to FILTER registrations (which means you only want to include the data for the people who selected a certain option) – Select YES for “Do you want to filter Registrations?” and then select Next
Choose your filter(s) – Select the question and answer choice for the people you want to include in this custom report and select Next.
- For example - If you only want to see the data for those that selected option 2 for their registration type, you’d select the Registration Type question and also Option 2
If you want to enter ALTERNATIVE TEXT for the Answer Choices (for example, you can change Male and Female to export as M and F), select YES for “Do you want to specify any Alternative Text?” and then Next
Check the answer choices you want to enter alternative text for and enter how you want those answer choices to export and select Finish
Note – Entering alternative text in a custom download will apply to ALL form reports.
For example, if you update a custom download so Gender exports as M and F, then all reports that include Gender for this form will export the Gender as M and F.
Select Generate New File
Select what data you want to export:
1. All Registration data (which will include ALL registrations placed at the time of the download)
2. Only Registration data since last downloaded record (which will only include the registrations placed since the last time you ran the report)
3. Limit Registration data to specific dates (which will only include the registrations placed within the timeframe you enter)
Then, select Download the Data
While the download is processing, there will be a File Generation Pending memo
Once the download is complete, you’ll be able to select Download File
Every time you want an updated report, you’ll need to select Generate New File to generate the most-recent data.