Main Menu - Features Overview
Published Forms
From the Main Menu, your Published Forms allows access all the forms you've successfully created.
When you go to your Published Forms, you'll see columns the following columns: Form ID, Form Name, Start Date, Form Menu, Registrations, Copy Link and View Form (Admin Mode).
The Form ID is an auto-generated ID by the system when you create your form
The Form Name is the Form Nickname specified when creating the form
The Start Date is the Form Start Date specified when creating the form
The Form Menu allows you access to the following tools:
- Edit Form - Edit overall form settings, questions/answers, information topics, etc..
- Find/Edit Registrations - Allows you to look up a registrant via name, email or confirmation and make edits to their answers/selections
- Download Registrations - Allows you to export the registrant data
- Registrant Summary - Shows a list of registrants in alphabetical order (you can also edit registrants from this tool)
- Revenue Summary - Shows a breakdown and grand total of registrant payments
- Demographic Summary - Show a breakdown of registrant demographics based on age, gender, and registrations by the day of the week, date, state, city and country (granted that information is asked of registrants during the registration process)
- Question Answer Summary - Shows how many time each answer choice was selected by registrants
- Open/Close Form - Allows you to manually open/close a form or set an auto-matic close date/time
- More Tools - Allows access to the wait list feature and coupon/promo codes
The Registrations column will show a count of how many are registered for that event/form
You can use the Copy Link icon to copy your form link for marketing
The View Form (Admin Mode) link allows you as an admin to preview your form (highly recommended before you post the link/start taking registrations)
You can choose to see forms based on Status (Open, Closed, All) and by sorting by Start Date, Form ID or Form Name
Create a New Form
To create a new form, select the Create a New Form tab and then you'll be brought to the option to copy an existing form or create a new one using one of our form templates via the Form Builder tool.
Email Broadcasts
If you want to send a message to registered participants, you can do so through the Email Broadcast tool.
Upload Tools
The Upload Tools tab allows access to upload images, files and the option to create a searchable data table.