How to Create New Form (1st Time Set Up/Event)

Select to Create a New Form

Select to Build a new Form using the Form Builder (Option 1)

Select to Get Started

Based on the type of event you're hosting, select the appropriate Template and Continue

Fill in the basic event information (Event Name, Date/Location, Etc.)

Note - If this is a single-day event, the Form Start Date and End Date should be the same. Your Form Dates are your event date(s), not when you want to start/end registration.

Review the template instruction and form builder tips. Then, you can edit/add information topics and questions to the template.

Note - If you're creating a form using a template that has dependencies set up (such as a Triathlon), then be careful. If you delete a question that has a dependent question or answer choice attached, the dependency will not work.

Select Publish My Form and finish.

Once published, you can exit out of the Form Builder and select to return to your Main Menu and then go to Published Forms

You should then review the form/registration options as if you were a registrant before you share the registration link by selecting View Form (Admin Mode)

If you need to make any updates to the form, you can go to your Form Menu and then Edit Form

If everything is good to go, then you can Copy the Form Link, post the registration link on your website or social media pages and start marking the event/program/registration!

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