How to Add/Edit Multiple Choice Questions

Note - If you DELETE a Question OR an Answer Choice after people have registered, you will delete that data. Do not delete questions if people have registered and you still need access to the data.

To add a NEW Question -

STEP 1 - From the Main Menu, select Published Forms

STEP 2 - Select the Form Menu for the form you'd like to add a new question to.

STEP 3 - Select Edit Form


STEP 4 - Select to Add/Edit Questions and Answer Choices

STEP 5 - Select Add a new Question

STEP 6 - Choose the Drop Down List or Radio Button List Question Type


STEP 7 -

  • Enter the Question Text
  • Select the Status (Shown or Hidden)
  • Select whether the question should be Mandatory or Optional
  • Enter Hint Text (Optional)
  • Enter Help Text (Optional)
  • Enable/Add an Expiration Date (Optional)

Tips for the Question Text Keep it short and simple for the best formatting but clear as to what you're asking your registrants.

When the Status should be Shown vs. Hidden If you want the question to show on the form, select Shown for the Status. If you want to hide the question at any time, you can change the status to Hidden. A common use for changing a Multiple Choice question type to hidden is if you're asking for Shirt Sizes - When you login to run your report for ordering shirts, you can then hide that question so that no one else selects a shirt size after the deadline.

When to use Hint Text You can use the Hint Text if you want to let registrants know a bit more information regarding the question.

When to use Help Text Help Text can be used if you want to add a short explanation to a question.

When to add an Expiration Date It is common to add an Expiration Date for multiple choice questions when you have certain options (such as an event t-shirt) that is available to those who register by a certain date. For example, if you need to order event shirts on December 1st, you could set the shirt question to expire/disappear on November 30th so you can run your report and order your shirts on December 1st.

Once you have entered the question details, you'll select to Continue to add the Answer Choices.

Select whether you want it to be a Radio Button or Drop Down list ,Add your Answer Choices and if applicable the Pricing associated with the choice.

Note - You'll see a drop down that allows you to choose who can see that answer choice. Unless you are using the EZ Membership Module, the only option would be to display the choice to All Registrants.



Select Finished Adding Answers and then you'll be able to place the question where you want it to be displayed on the form.

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